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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535424


Introducción: El predominio y asequibilidad actual de los teléfonos móviles inteligentes han permitido una amplia difusión de variedad de aplicaciones a nivel mundial para el monitoreo del crecimiento y del estado nutricional de los lactantes. No obstante, la mayoría de estos recursos no son lo suficientemente completos para proveer una interfaz amigable de seguimiento del crecimiento, combinada con una adecuada educación parental en materia de nutrición y alimentación complementaria. Objetivos: Este trabajo pretende presentar el desarrollo y evaluación de la aplicación propuesta "Baby Home", con el fin de estudiar su potencial como herramienta digital de apoyo a padres y cuidadores en el cuidado nutricional de sus niños desde el hogar. Materiales y métodos: Baby Home integra una interfaz de seguimiento interactivo del crecimiento del bebé con una serie de contenidos educativos alimentarios, posibilitando al usuario consultar las prácticas recomendadas según el estado nutricional estimado de su bebé. Un conjunto de 7 jueces expertos fue reunido para evaluar la validez de estos contenidos consignados en la aplicación. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un estudio de prueba piloto con 8 madres participantes, las cuales aportaron en las fortalezas y debilidades de las funcionalidades propuestas. Resultados: la aplicación desarrollada muestra una aprobación positiva por los especialistas consultados y una aceptación satisfactoria entre las madres participantes gracias a su diseño amigable y funcionalidades de fácil uso. Los recursos visuales implementados prueban ser adecuados para la apropiación de los contenidos alimentarios y el empoderamiento del usuario en torno a los cuidados nutricionales que requieren sus niños. Conclusiones: Baby Home se ubica como un soporte práctico y accesible para el cuidado nutricional del lactante, otorgando seguridad y confianza al usuario en la alimentación de su niño y disponiendo la posibilidad de detectar oportunamente problemas de crecimiento.

Introduction: The current prevalence and affordability of smartphones have enabled a broad diffusion of a variety of mobile applications worldwide for monitoring infant's growth and nutritional status. However, most of these resources are not comprehensive enough to provide a user-friendly interface for growth tracking combined with proper parental education on nutrition and complementary feeding. Objectives: This work aims to present the development and evaluation of the proposed application "Baby Home", in order to study its potential as a digital tool for supporting parents and caregivers in the nutritional care of their children from home. Materials and methods: Baby Home integrates an interactive baby growth monitoring interface with a collection of educational content on infant feeding, allowing the user to check the recommended practices based on the estimated nutritional status of their baby. A panel of seven expert judges was assembled to evaluate the validity of these contents included in the application. Subsequently, a pilot study was carried out with eight participating mothers who contributed to the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed functionalities. Results: The developed application received positive feedback by the consulted specialists and a satisfactory acceptance within the participating mothers thanks to its friendly design and easy-to-use functionalities. The implemented visual resources proved to be well suited for the user's appropriation of feeding contents and their empowerment regarding the nutritional care required by their children. Conclusions: Baby Home is positioned as a practical and accessible support for the nutritional care of infants, providing safeness and confidence to the user in their child's feeding and the possibility of timely detection of growth problems.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(1): 28962, 27 abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428345


Introdução:Considerando o cenário de pandemia ocorrido nos últimos anos (2019-2022) em razão da grande propagação mundial do novo Coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2), tornaram-se necessárias medidas preventivas que corroborasse na diminuição do contágio e disseminação do vírus, dentre estas, o distanciamento social. Com isso, houveram muitas modificações e adaptações de protocolos assistenciais assim como no atendimento nutricional que, embasados em normativas do Conselho Federal de Nutricionistas por meio de resolução, permitiu a utilização do atendimento nutricional de maneira não presencial. Objetivo:Relatar a experiência e desafios vivenciados durante o componente curricular Terapia Ambulatorial Nutricional-Prática II, do curso de Nutrição, por meio de atendimentos nutricionais híbridos, considerando o contexto de pandemia.Metodologia:Trata-se de um relato de experiência construído a partir das vivências do componente curricular Terapia Ambulatorial Nutricional-Prática II (Módulo prático), que integra a grade do Curso de Nutrição, da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde do Trairi, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, os atendimentos se passaram em um cenário de pandemia, demandando cuidados e alterações.Resultados:Percebeu-se a partir dessa vivência, que diante do cenário atual muitas adaptações precisaram ser realizadas, no entanto, a utilização de estratégias se fez bastante presente de modo que tornasse a proposta viável. Conclusões:São muitos os obstáculos enfrentados quanto ao atendimento nutricional nocontexto de pandemia, haja vista que ajustes foram necessários no cronograma de consultas bem como limitações, os quais dificultaram muitas vezes a realização de uma abordagem igual à planejada. Porém, os obstáculos não tornaram inviável os atendimentos, de modo que foi possível atingir êxito nas consultas, metas e objetivos do paciente (AU).

Introduction:Considering the pandemic scenario that has occurred in recent years (2019-current) due to the great worldwide spread of the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), preventive measures have become necessary to corroborate the reduction of the contagion and spread of the virus, including social distancing. Thus, there were many changes and adaptations in care protocols as well as in nutritional service as a result of regulations of the Federal Council of Nutritionists through a resolution, which implemented nutritional care in a non-face-to-face manner. Objective:To report the experience and challenges experienced during the curricular component Nutritional Outpatient Therapy-Practice II of the Nutrition course through hybrid nutritional care and considering the pandemic context. Methodology:This is an experience report built from the experiences of the curricular component Nutritional Outpatient Therapy -Practice II (Practical Module), which is part of the Nutrition Course grid, of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Trairi, of the Federal University from Rio Grande do Norte, the calls took place in a pandemic scenario, demanding care and changes.Results:It was noticed from this experience that many adaptations had to be carried out in the face of the current scenario; however, the use of strategies was very present in order to make the proposal viable. Conclusions:There are many obstacles faced regarding nutritional care in the context of a pandemic, given that adjustments as well as limitations were necessary in the consultation schedule, which often made it difficult to carry out an approach equal to what had been planned. However, the obstacles did not make the consultations unfeasible, so it was possible to achieve success in the consultations, goals and objectives of the patient (AU).

Introducción:Considerando el escenario de pandemia que se ha presentado en los últimos años (2019-actual) debido a la gran propagación a nivel mundial del nuevo Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), las medidas preventivas se han vuelto necesarias para corroborar la reducción del contagio y propagación del virus, incluido el distanciamiento social. Como resultado, hubo muchos cambios y adaptaciones en los protocolos de atención, así como en el servicio nutricional que, con base en la normativa del Consejo Federal de Nutricionistas a través de una resolución, permitió el uso de la atención nutricional en forma no presencial. Objetivo: Relatar la experiencia y los desafíos vividos durante el componente curricular Terapia Ambulatoria Nutricional-Práctica II, de lacarrera de Nutrición, a través del cuidado nutricional híbrido, considerando el contexto de una pandemia. Metodología: Este es un relato de experiencia construido a partir de las experiencias del componente curricular Terapia Nutricional Ambulatoria -Práctica II (Módulo Práctico), que forma parte de la malla del Curso de Nutrición, de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de Trairi, de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Norte, las visitas se realizaron en un escenario de pandemia, exigiendo cuidados y cambios.Resultados:A partir de esta experiencia, se percibió que, dado el escenario actual, se tuvieron que realizar muchas adaptaciones, sin embargo, estuvo muy presente el uso de estrategias para viabilizar la propuesta. Conclusiones:Son muchos los obstáculos enfrentados en cuanto a la atención nutricional en el contexto de una pandemia, dado que fueron necesarios ajustes en el horario de consultas así como limitaciones, que muchas veces dificultan realizar un abordaje igual al planificado. Sin embargo, los obstáculos no hicieron inviable las consultas, por lo que se logró alcanzar el éxito en las consultas, metas y objetivos del paciente (AU).

Humans , Food and Nutrition Education , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , COVID-19 , Health Strategies
Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(3)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388620


RESUMEN El profesionalismo es un pilar fundamental en la formación y ejercicio profesional de un nutricionista que implícitamente se ha incluido y desarrollado en los estándares de práctica. Recientemente se ha intentado establecer una terminología común para su definición, esta se basa en cuatro aspectos centrales: a) atributos personales como empatía, autoconciencia e inteligencia emocional, b) comunicación interpersonal, tanto con pares, otros profesionales de la salud y usuarios, c) actuar centrado en la práctica, que considera el entorno laboral en cuanto a las leyes y normativas que rigen el actuar profesional y 4) compromiso con el aprendizaje permanente, como el proceso de reflexión y autoevaluación del propio trabajo. Para garantizar un actuar profesional, la enseñanza del profesionalismo debe ser considerada de manera formal en el plan curricular, implementando distintas técnicas educativas y evaluaciones correspondientes que permitan la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades necesarias. En el proceso formativo cobra especial relevancia el contexto y ambiente en el que se desempeñan los estudiantes para un óptimo uso de recursos.

ABSTRACT Professionalism is a fundamental aspect in the training and professional practice of a dietitian that has been implicitly included and developed in standards of practice. However, recently, an attempt to establish a common terminology for its definition has been made. The concept of professionalism is based on four central aspects: a) personal attributes such as empathy, self-awareness and emotional intelligence, b) interpersonal communication, both with peers, other health professionals and users, c) approach to practice, which considers the laws and regulations that govern professional actions, and 4) commitment to lifelong learning, such as the process of reflection and self-evaluation. To guarantee professionalism in dietitians, the teaching of professionalism must be considered formally in the plan of study, implementing different educational techniques and corresponding evaluations that guarantee the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills. In the training process, the context and environment in which students work is especially relevant for an optimal use of resources.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 10(4): 344-358, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377028


Resumen Este estudio incorpora una perspectiva socio-antropológica con el objetivo de analizar y comprender los motivos que animan a los actores sociales que padecen las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, a modificar o no sus prácticas alimentarias, así como las representaciones sociales de la alimentación y la salud desde su propia subjetividad que participan en un programa institucional en prevención de la salud. La aproximación metodológica de corte cualitativo recupera la noción de representaciones, que permiten comprender cómo se gestan los cambios en las prácticas alimentarias a partir de las concepciones y las valoraciones que manejan los actores sobre la dieta y su impacto en la salud. La evidencia empírica de este estudio se recopiló mediante 19 entrevistas, realizadas a 13 mujeres y 6 varones adultos (edad promedio: 45 años), usuarios del servicio de nutrición de una clínica de primer nivel de atención de seguridad social en la ciudad de Cuernavaca (Morelos, México). Los principales resultados muestran que las modificaciones en las prácticas alimentarias se correlacionan con la representación de alimento-cura, con el grado de apoyo familiar que reciben y su valoración de la terapia nutricional integral. Asimismo, los resultados apuntan a que los sujetos que perciben los efectos positivos del tratamiento nutricional integral en el control de su enfermedad son más proclives a mantener los cambios dietéticos.

Abstract This study seeks to explore and understand, from a socio-anthropological perspective, the reasons that make social actors with chronic-degenerative diseases manage -or not- changes in their eating habits, as well as the social representations of food and health from their own subjectivity, which they participate in an institutional prevention program. A qualitative research approach to this subject is based on the use of the concept of representations that allows understanding the importance of social actors' conceptions and assessments of diet and its impact on health, in terms of changes in their eating habits. The empirical evidence for the article was collected through 19 interviews, (13 women and 6 men), on average 45 years old, users of the nutrition service in a first level social security clinic in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos. The main results show that changes in eating habits are related to the representation of food as a cure, as well as the level of family support in receiving and assessing the integral nutritional therapy. Results also suggest that actors that perceive positive effects of integral nutritional therapy controlling their diseases are more willing to keep up their treatments.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1176-1181, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802764


Objective@#To explore the experience of nutritional care provided by the main caregivers of elderly patients with pressure injury in outpatients.@*Methods@#Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted on 15 main caregivers of elderly patients with pressure injury in outpatient by the purposive sampling method. Data was analyzed by Colaizzi content analysis.@*Results@#Seven themes were identified, including multiple troubles in nutritional care, lack of awareness of the relationship between nutrition and pressure injury, poor knowledge of nutritional care, unreliable ways to obtain the knowledge, poor attitude towards nutritional care, poor nutritional care behaviors, and differences in nutritional care needs.@*Conclusion@#Health care providers should value the evaluation of patients' eating ability and behavior, provide more learning approaches, change their attitude, improve the nutritional care behavior, and, if necessary, cooperate with nutritionists to provide targeted nutrition education, and establish effective family and social support systems.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1176-1181, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752607


Objective To explore the experience of nutritional care provided by the main caregivers of elderly patients with pressure injury in outpatients. Methods Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted on 15 main caregivers of elderly patients with pressure injury in outpatient by the purposive sampling method. Data was analyzed by Colaizzi content analysis. Results Seven themes were identified, including multiple troubles in nutritional care, lack of awareness of the relationship between nutrition and pressure injury, poor knowledge of nutritional care, unreliable ways to obtain the knowledge, poor attitude towards nutritional care, poor nutritional care behaviors, and differences in nutritional care needs. Conclusion Health care providers should value the evaluation of patients'eating ability and behavior, provide more learning approaches, change their attitude, improve the nutritional care behavior, and, if necessary, cooperate with nutritionists to provide targeted nutrition education, and establish effective family and social support systems.

Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 35(161): 19-28, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-953062


Introducción: tener acceso a herramientas adecuadas y actualizadas para llevar a cabo prácticas eficaces de educación es uno de los desafíos actuales en el ámbito de la educación sanitaria. Particularmente durante la atención prenatal, una necesidad sentida dentro del equipo de salud es contar con instrumentos que permitan optimizar la calidad de la consulta nutricional. Objetivos: este trabajo tiene la finalidad de detallar las etapas del diseño de una propuesta de intervención nutricional destinada a gestantes, con énfasis en los aspectos comunicacionales que se tuvieron en consideración y describir el proceso de evaluación de los materiales didácticos generados. Metodología: la propuesta educativa se elaboró considerando las sugerencias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en relación con las prácticas de educación para la salud. Los materiales diseñados fueron evaluados por 43 profesionales (licenciados en nutrición y licenciados en obstetricia) de distintas áreas geográficas del país, que los aplicaron durante la consulta nutricional y por 12 embarazadas que los recibieron durante la atención prenatal. Resultados: se diseñaron un manual de procedimientos para el profesional, un rotafolio con imágenes didácticas y un set de recetas ricas en nutrientes habitualmente críticos para entregar a las embarazadas. El discurso argumentativo y persuasivo de los textos didácticos se eligió a partir de un estudio exploratorio inicial sobre la alimentación en gestantes y se centró en el modelo comunicacional de creencias en salud. Los contenidos se agruparon en ejes temáticos, se usaron fotografías a color para la ilustración de alimentos, dibujos para la representación de personas o las partes fisiológicas del cuerpo, símbolos icónicos para señales o advertencias de riesgos y prohibiciones, y gráficas. Especial cuidado se tuvo en la legibilidad de los textos. Conclusiones: los profesionales destacaron de la propuesta su utilidad como una herramienta para "ordenar" las acciones durante la consejería nutricional. Por su lado, las embarazadas valoraron especialmente el recibir recetas, cuya realización apoya y favorece vínculos familiares y genera la sensación de un logro compartido.

Introduction: access to appropriate and up-to-date tools for effective educational practices is one of the current challenges in the field of health education. Particularly during prenatal care, a felt need within the health team is to have instruments to optimize the quality of the nutritional consultation. Objectives: this work aims to detail the stages of the design of a nutritional intervention proposal for pregnant women, with emphasis on the communication aspects that were taken into account and describe the process of evaluation of the didactic materials generated. Methodology: the educational proposal was elaborated considering the suggestions of the World Health Organization in relation to the practices of education for health. The materials designed were evaluated by 43 professionals (nutrition graduates and graduates in obstetrics) from different geographical areas of the country, who applied them during the nutritional consultation, and by 12 pregnant women who received them during prenatal care. Results: a professional procedures manual, a flipchart with didactic images and a set of nutrient-rich recipes to deliver to pregnant women were designed. The argumentative and persuasive discourse of the didactic texts was chosen from an initial exploratory study about feeding practices in pregnant women and focused on the communicational model of beliefs in health. The contents were grouped in thematic axes, color photographs were used for the illustration of foods, drawings for the representation of people or the physiological parts of the body, iconic symbols for signs or warnings of risks and prohibitions, and graphs. Special care was taken in the legibility of the texts. Conclusions: the professionals highlighted the utility as a tool to "order" actions during nutritional counseling. For their part, the pregnant women especially valued receiving recipes, whose realization supports and favors family ties and generates the sensation of a shared achievement.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 30(6): 703-711, Nov.-Dec. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041230


ABSTRACT Objective Aimed at analysing the symbolic dimension of prenatal nutritional care in diabetes. Methods Participants were 17 puerperal adults diagnosed with previous or gestational diabetes. Participant observation and semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. The data were interpreted according to an adaptation of Bardin's Thematic Content Analysis. Results The main meaning of diabetes was the need for changing eating habits. Nutritional care based on the Traditional Method or the Carbohydrate Counting Method was understood as an opportunity for dietary re-education. Weight loss was considered desirable by some participants, albeit against the advice of nutritionists. Pregnant women adopted the standard meal plan, rarely used the food substitution list, and reported occasional dietary transgressions, self-allowed in small portions. Foods containing sucrose were perceived as less harmful to health than added sugars. Conclusion Each pregnant woman experienced prenatal nutritional care in diabetes not as a dietary method, but as part of her lifestyle.

RESUMO Objetivo Retratar a dimensão simbólica do cuidado nutricional pré-natal em diabetes. Métodos Participaram 17 puérperas adultas com diagnóstico de diabetes prévio ou gestacional. A observação participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas foram aplicadas para construção dos dados. A interpretação foi orientada por uma adaptação da Análise de Conteúdo Temática de Bardin. Resultados A necessidade de mudanças no comer foi o principal significado do diabetes. O cuidado nutricional baseado no Método Tradicional ou no Método da Contagem de Carboidratos foi compreendido como uma oportunidade de reeducação alimentar. O emagrecimento foi considerado por algumas como desejável, ainda que contrariasse o aconselhamento dos nutricionistas. As gestantes adotaram o plano alimentar padrão, utilizando pouco da lista de substituição de alimentos e referiram eventuais transgressões alimentares, autoconsentidas em pequenas porções. Alimentos contendo sacarose foram compreendidos como menos nocivos à saúde, quando comparados ao açúcar de adição. Conclusão Concluiu-se que cada gestante vivencia o cuidado nutricional pré-natal em diabetes não como um método dietético, mas como algo que integra a sua forma de viver.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Diabetes Mellitus , Prenatal Care , Qualitative Research , Prenatal Nutrition
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 86(3): 298-307, jul.-set. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-725115


INTRODUCCIÓN: la desnutrición hospitalaria se asocia a un incremento de la morbilidad y mortalidad que repercute en una peor calidad asistencial, con aumento de la tasa media de estadía y tasa de rehospitalización. OBJETIVO: evaluar la evolución de la desnutrición hospitalaria pediátrica usando como herramienta metodológica la Encuesta de Desnutrición Hospitalaria Pediátrica y la Encuesta de Riesgo Nutricional Pediátrico, en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "Juan Manuel Márquez", durante los años 2008, 2010 y 2012. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 3 oportunidades que involucró a todos los niños (edades entre 0,1 y 19 años), ingresados en el citado hospital. La muestra estuvo constituida por 157 niños en el estudio de 2008, 188 en el de 2010 y 158 en el de 2012. A todos se les practicó una evaluación antropométrica que incluyó la mensuración del peso y la longitud/talla. Al mismo tiempo, se aplicó la Encuesta de Riesgo Nutricional Pediátrico a todos los niños encuestados, para determinar el riesgo de desnutrición al momento del ingreso. RESULTADOS: se observó un incremento de la desnutrición aguda (peso para la longitud/talla inferior al 3er. percentil) de 9,4 % y de la crónica de 6,1 % respectivamente, desde 2008 a 2012. La obesidad como figura de morbilidad nutricional se incrementó en un 3,1 % en igual periodo. Existió una disminución del riesgo grave de desnutrición al ingreso de 6,0 %, con un incremento del leve de 5,3 %. CONCLUSIONES: la desnutrición hospitalaria pediátrica continúa siendo un problema importante de salud, al que los administradores de salud deben prestarle especial atención, al mismo tiempo que incrementar el esfuerzo el Grupo de Apoyo Nutricional en relación con su función educativa, para mejorar las prestaciones de los servicios nutricionales.

INTRODUCTION: in-hospital malnutrition is associated to increased morbidity and mortality that affect medical assistance quality, with higher average rates of hospital stay and readmission. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the progression of in-hospital pediatric malnutrition by using the methodological tool called Survey of In-hospital Pediatric Malnutrition and the Survey of Pediatric Nutritional Risk at "Juan Manuel Marquez" university pediatric hospital in 2008, 2010 and 2012. METHODS: a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted three times and involved all the children aged 0.1 to 19 years who were admitted to this hospital. The sample was made up of 157 children in the 2008, 188 in the 2010 and 158 in 2012 studies, respectively. Anthropometric assessments were made including weight and length/size measurement. At the same time, the Survey of Pediatric Nutritional Risk was applied to all the children to determine the risk of malnutrition at the time of admission. RESULTS: there was an increase of acute malnutrition (weight for length/size lower than 3rd percentile) of 9.4 % and of chronic malnutrition of 6.1 %, from 2008 to 2012. Obesity, as marker of nutritional morbidity, increased by 3.1 % in the same period. Severe malnutrition risk on admission was reduced by 6.0 % whereas the mild risk increased by 5.3 %. CONCLUSIONS: in-hospital pediatric malnutrition remains a significant health problem, so the health managers must pay a special attention to it. At the same time the Nutritional Support Group should increase its efforts for education in order to improve the nutritional services.

Humans , Adolescent , Patient Readmission/statistics & numerical data , Clinical Evolution/methods , Nutrition Surveys/methods , Malnutrition/diagnosis , Malnutrition/prevention & control , Hospital Care , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 17(2): 473-480, fev. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-610700


OBJETIVO: validar proposições para qualificar a alimentação hospitalar pela comunidade científica brasileira. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: aplicou-se um questionário eletrônico a profissionais da área de nutrição clínica, cadastrados na Plataforma Lattes, base de dados brasileira de currículos de pesquisadores e instituições, das áreas de Ciência e Tecnologia. O questionário era acompanhado por uma escala Likert, com espaços para argumentações. Os temas abrangiam a participação do paciente, a qualidade nutricional e sensorial das dietas hospitalares e o planejamento e metas do Serviço de Alimentação e Nutrição Hospitalar (SANH). Também foram solicitadas as cinco prioridades para um SANH. Foi considerada aprovada a proposição com concordância total ou parcial maior ou igual a 70 por cento. RESULTADOS: todas as proposições obtiveram concordância total igual ou maior que 70 por cento. Houve adesão mínima de 70 por cento na proposição que considera que a intervenção nutricional deve ser realizada em comum acordo com o paciente, e máxima de 93 por cento sobre a necessidade de controles estatísticos de dietas prescritas pelo SANH. As prioridades mais citadas referem-se à infraestrutura e à capacitação de recursos humanos (40 por cento), a qualidade da alimentação hospitalar (27 por cento) e ao estado nutricional do paciente.

The scope of this paper is to validate proposals used to qualify hospital food by the Brazilian scientific community. An electronic questionnaire was applied to clinical nutrition professionals registered on the Lattes Platform (Brazilian database of institutions and researchers' curricula in the areas of Science and Technology). The questionnaire incorporated a Likert scale and had spaces for comments. The themes dealt with patient participation, the nutritional and sensory quality of hospital diets, and planning and goals of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service (HFNS). The questionnaire also asked for the top five priorities for a HFNS. Proposals with total or partial adherence equal to or greater than 70 percent were considered to be approved. All proposals had total adherence equal to or greater than 70 percent. The proposal that had minimal adherence (70 percent) was the one that proposed that nutritional intervention must be arranged by mutual agreement with the patient. The proposal that had maximal adherence (93 percent) was the one advocating that there must be statistical control on diets prescribed by the HFNS. The most cited priorities referred to infrastructure and training of human resources (40 percent), the quality of hospital food (27 percent) and the nutritional status of the patient.

Humans , Food Service, Hospital/standards , Biology , Clinical Medicine , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Nutritional Sciences
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition ; : 79-84, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-54812


Pediatric patients in hospital are at risk of malnutrition at admission and even during their hospitalization. Although the concept of nutritional support team (NST) was introduced to hospitals for optimal nutritional care since 1960s and the benefits of pediatric NST have been proven by many studies and reports in terms of patient clinical outcome and cost saving, the pediatric NST is not widespread yet. The pediatric NST composed of pediatricians, dieticians, pharmacist, and nutrition support nurses as core members dedicated to nutritional care in children should be independent of central NST or other disciplines, but closely cooperate with other teams in hospitals. There is no doubt that a multidisciplinary NST is an effective way to provide appropriate nutritional support to an individual patient. Therefore, the implementation of the pediatric NST in hospitals should be recommended to provide optimum nutritional support including enteral tube feeding and parenteral nutrition and to assess pediatric patients at risk of malnutrition.

Child , Humans , Cost Savings , Enteral Nutrition , Hospitalization , Malnutrition , Nutritional Support , Parenteral Nutrition , Pharmacists
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 15(supl.3): 3413-3422, nov. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-566013


Considerando a importância do cuidado nutricional para a qualidade da atenção prestada ao paciente internado, a pesquisa objetivou avaliar esse cuidado em oito hospitais públicos que receberam aportes do QualiSUS em quatro estados do país. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com nutricionistas, observação direta e revisão de 219 prontuários de pacientes internados nas clínicas médicas. Os achados sugerem fragilidades no cuidado nutricional hospitalar; deficiente integração entre produção de refeições e assistência nutricional nos hospitais pesquisados, além de deficiências estruturais. Ressaltam-se problemas relacionados ao processo de cuidado nutricional, inclusive na sua documentação. Em 93 por cento dos prontuários não havia registros do estado nutricional na admissão, nem de avaliação nutricional dos pacientes em terapia nutricional. Aponta-se que a avaliação realizada pela vigilância sanitária em inspeções de rotina, centrada na verificação do cumprimento de normas e nos aspectos estruturais, não contempla a detecção de um possível risco nutricional para o paciente. Sugere-se a inclusão de outros critérios e estratégias pela vigilância sanitária, dentre eles a revisão de prontuários abertos.

Considering the importance of nutritional care for the quality of care provided to hospitalized patients, the study aims to assess health care in eight public hospitals that have received support from QualiSUS in four Brazilian states. There were semi-structured interviews with nutritionists, direct observation and review of 219 records of patients admitted to the medical clinics. The findings suggest weaknesses in the hospital nutritional care, poor integration between the production of food and nutritional care in the surveyed hospitals, in addition to structural deficiencies. We highlight problems related to the nutritional care process, including its documentation. In 93 percent of the records there were no records on the nutritional status on admission, or nutritional assessment of patients in nutritional therapy. It was observed that the assessment made by the health surveillance in routine inspections, focusing on the verification of compliance and structural aspects, does not include the detection of a possible nutritional risk for the patient. We suggest the inclusion of other criteria and strategies for surveillance, among them a review of open medical records.

Food Service, Hospital/standards , Hospitals, Public , Population Surveillance , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-552656


Objetivo: Descrever um protocolo de atendimento e acompanhamento nutricional através de níveis assistenciais em pediatria, para sistematizar e otimizar a assistência nutricional das crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados. Métodos: Foram padronizadas a avaliação antropométrica e a classificação do estado nutricional, bem como definidos os fatores de risco para desnutrição nas crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados. Foram estabelecidas três categorias de níveis assistenciais, que determinaram o tipo de atendimento e frequência do acompanhamento nutricional. Os critérios de avaliação, acompanhamento e reavaliação foram definidos conforme o nível assistencial. Para crianças em situações especiais foram criados protocolos específicos e para as desnutridas, critérios para reabilitação nutricional. Foi elaborada uma ficha de atendimento com acompanhamento nutricional pediátrico (FAANP), para ser preenchida a partir da admissão hospitalar. Conclusão: A utilização de um protocolo de atendimento por níveis assistenciais em pediatria proporcionou a padronização de procedimentos de avaliação nutricional e a otimização do acompanhamento de crianças e adolescentes, permitindo uma intervenção nutricional mais efetiva.

Aim: To describe a protocol of pediatric nutritional attendance by nutritional care level (NCL), and to optimize nutritional assistance. Methods: The anthropometric assessment and the classification of nutritional status were standardized, and risk factors were defined for undernourished children and adolescents during hospitalization. We established three categories of NCL which determined the kind and frequency of nutritional assistance. The evaluation criteria, attendance and reevaluation were defined in agreement to the assistance level. For children with special needs we created different protocols including nutritional rehabilitation criteria of the undernourished children. We elaborated records of pediatric nutritional attendance to be filled during the hospital admission. Conclusion: The use of a protocol of pediatric nutritional attendance by level of nutritional care provided the standardization of nutritional procedures assistance and improved the assistance of pediatric patients allowing a more effective nutritional intervention.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adolescent, Hospitalized , Child, Hospitalized , Nutritional Status , Clinical Protocols/standards , Risk Factors
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association ; : 32-39, 2003.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53104


Although medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is considered as a cornerstone of medical treatment for hypercholesterolemia, few studies have evaluated medical and economical outcome of MNT. This study was conducted to identify whether MNT administered by registered dieticians could lead to a beneficial clinical and cost outcome in persons with hypercholesterolemia. A prospective clinical trial was carried out at outpatient clinics, which involved an initial visit with a dietitian followed by another visit at first 4 weeks during the 6 weeks study periods. Thirty-nine subjects took part in a 6 weeks nutrition intervention program. Clinical and economical outcomes were compared before and after MNT. Medical nutrition therapy lowered total serum cholesterol level 6.1% (P<0.05), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) 9.4% (P<0.05) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) 3.0% (P<0.05). The cost-effective ratio was 1,520 won/cholesterol mg/dl and 1,441 won/LDL-cholesterol mg/dl, respectively. After dietitian's intervention, lipid drug eligibility was obviated in 16 of 39(41%) subjects. The cost savings from the avoidance of lipid medications was 151,107 won per patient annually. In conclusion, it is suggested that provision of systemic intensive nutritional care for persons with hypercholesterolemia has significant effects on serum cholesterol reduction and clinical cost savings.

Humans , Ambulatory Care Facilities , Cholesterol , Cost Savings , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Hypercholesterolemia , Lipoproteins , Nutrition Therapy , Nutritionists , Prospective Studies